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  • Automate in 4 Easy Steps: The Ultimate Guide to Transforming Your Tasks

Automate in 4 Easy Steps: The Ultimate Guide to Transforming Your Tasks

Plus step by step prompts to help you get started!

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Delivering automation is one superpower that can upskill your career.

Construction has so many processes, tasks, and workflows that could be automated to some extent or fully.

  • Weekly data being entered into spreadsheets.

  • Monthly progress in the exact same format but different numbers.

  • Verification of change of one spreadsheet to the next.

  • Downloading data from one piece of software to upload it to another piece of software.

I guarantee you can come up with at least ten things you do at work that could either be partially or fully automated if you sat down and thought about it for a couple minutes.

But where do you start?

I put a guide together to help you out.

And yes, there are several prompts that you can use to help you on your way.

In the guide I walk you through;

  1. Identifying the right tasks

  2. Evolving tasks into processes

  3. Transforming processes into systems

  4. Upgrading systems into automation

Each section includes one prompt that I worked extremely hard on to help expedite your learning and improve you capability.

Check this one out below.

Identifying Task Prompt

Act as an Operations Manager focused on automation integration. Your task is to evaluate project management tasks, such as updating progress, creating reports, and managing payments, to identify prime candidates for automation. Use the guide's framework to assess tasks based on time intensity and value, formatting your response as a structured assessment. List each task with its time consumption and value ranking. Maintain an analytical and forward-thinking tone, emphasizing the benefits of automation. Before you begin, ask me 5 questions to help improve your answer.

Don’t let another work week slip by. Download the guide and start to begin your journey of becoming a construction automation expert.

And if you want to want to explore even more prompts, checkout prompts daily.

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