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Beginner to Winner
How to Become a Senior Scheduler
After you become a Scheduler the next career milestone is Senior Scheduler.
How do you become a Senior Scheduler?
Some people sit around for 10 years and hope someone will give them the title.
Others read a witty newsletter that gives them the answer.
Becoming a Senior Scheduler is simply moving up in a company
You move up in a company by building a brand and having impact.
Brand is what people think of you.
Do they think you’re the unreliable scheduler who’s always at their desk, never in the field and never helps out?
Or are you the go-to scheduler who every superintendent wants to work with because you get the shit done?
If your brand sucks, you will be passed over for promotion every day of the week.
If your brand is on point, you have a strong case for Senior Scheduler.
A big piece of brand building is delivering impact.
Impact is easy to define; Make your employer money.
This can be done in so many ways.
But to get your mind right, there are two impact buckets - dollar$ or days.
Often times savings days equals saving dollars.
Sometimes the days matter more than the dollars.
Sometimes the dollars matter more than the days.
But this isn’t rocket science, you’ll know which one based on the project.
The bigger the impact the better.We're talking 6 zeros.
No one truly cares about your new layout or the thing you did in PowerBi.
People care if you saved the project $12 million dollars.
And if you save $12M, you have a strong case for $120K+ salary.
Being able to deliver impact doesn’t happen overnight
You have to understand what rocks to overturn to find those really great ideas.
Those ideas need to be flushed out mathematically and socially.
That's a skill in and of itself.
There you have it.
The way you get promoted as a scheduler is build your brand and deliver impact.
Let's get real
Our friend been in the game for 5 years.
Was just promoted and is earning $200K per year.
He’s 29.
And knew how to build his brand and deliver impact.
It’s not your age, it’s how many years you’ve been doing it properly.
The bullet train to Senior Scheduler has left the station, hope you made it aboard.
See you next week,