Construction Tech Jobs, Events and What's in Your Control

Welcome back to Beyond Deadlines newsletter—a free perk for people looking to improve in Planning and Scheduling. Each week, we provide tactics, prompts, jobs and food for thought. We want you to succeed today, tomorrow and throughout the rest of your career.

If we can focus on making clear what parts of our day are within our control and what parts are not, we will not only be happier, we will have a distinct advantage over other people who fail to realize they are fighting an unwinnable battle.

Ryan Holiday, The Daily Stoic

You can unlock new opportunities by attending in-person industry events. 

You'll gain insights from thought leaders, discover innovative tools, and connect with peers who understand the challenges of construction planning.

It's the unexpected conversations that make the difference -- the insights shared over coffee, the meeting of a potential collaborator, or learning a scheduling trick that saves weeks off your next project.

These events will help you boost your skills and expand your network, so mark those dates on your calendar. You'll leave inspired, informed, and ready to take on the world.

The goal of networking isn't just to know someone, it's also to learn something new.

Create Excellent Process

Copy and paste this prompt into ChatGPT, Gemini or Claude.

Act as an experienced Construction Planner and Scheduler who is skilled in evaluating industry professionals. Review a potential network connection's LinkedIn profile and resume to analyze their background, skills, and accomplishments in construction planning, project management, or scheduling.

Summarize their relevant experiences, highlight key projects, and identify any unique skills or certifications. Generate two interesting questions that could spark an engaging conversation about their career path or challenges faced in the industry.

Additionally, suggest two pieces of value you could provide to this individual, such as sharing resources, offering insights on best practices, or making a relevant industry connection. Use a professional and engaging tone throughout. Before you begin ask me 3 questions to help improve your answer.

  • Company - Nodes and Links

  • Location - UK

  • Company - Doxel

  • Location - Frankfurt, Germany

  • Company - nPlan

  • Location - London, GB

We have no connection to these jobs or companies. Our goal is simply to help you land the job of your dreams.

This week’s episode posting a throwback random episode. Watch or Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Youtube.

Thank you for reading.

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Don’t ever hesitate to replay to this email if you are need of help!

See you next week,