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  • Google Careers in Phoenix 🌡, Master Activity Names 🎯 & Scheduling Metrics

Google Careers in Phoenix 🌡, Master Activity Names 🎯 & Scheduling Metrics

The most planning knowledge per word of any newsletter available

Welcome back to Beyond Deadlines newsletterβ€”a free perk for people looking to improve in Planning and Scheduling. Each week, we provide tactics, prompts, jobs and food for thought. We want you to succeed today, tomorrow and throughout the rest of your career.

The day after perfect is what separates finishers from starters.

Jon Acuff, Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done

What have you been talking about or considering, but haven't done?

  1. Improve the schedule submission process

  2. Implement scheduling KPIs

  3. Master Primavera P6

  4. Create a standard schedule review process

  5. Integrating risk management into scheduling

What's holding you back?

The perfect moment will never come.

There is always an excuse for not working on an idea.

But there is only one reason to work on it.

The reason will be that the idea is worth pursuing.

It can solve a problem or create something beneficial.

The effort is well worth it.

Even if you fail, you will learn.

Don't let another week slip away.


Create Excellent Process

Copy and paste this prompt into ChatGPT, Gemini or Claude.

Act as a seasoned Construction Scheduler skilled in Primavera P6 Professional. Your task is to take an existing list of Activity Names and improve them by applying best practices for clarity and conciseness. You will focus on using the Verb-Noun technique, shortening descriptions while keeping them meaningful, and ensuring that each name reflects a narrow scope for more accurate progress tracking. Use the below guide

1. Start with an Action Word (Verb) Object

  • Use Relevant Verbs:

    • Construction Activities: Install, Construct, Place, Fabricate, Form, Pour

    • Engineering Activities: Develop, Issue, Incorporate, Review, Approve

  • Examples:

    • Install Lower Base Slab

    • Develop Mechanical Data Sheet

2. Specify the Object

  • Clearly Define What is Being Acted Upon:

    • Be Specific: Detail the component or deliverable involved.

  • Examples:

    • Install HVAC Ductwork

    • Issue Piping Isometrics

3. Include Specific Location or System

  • Add Location Details:

    • Construction: Direction (North, South), column references, room numbers, floor levels.

    • Engineering: System names, drawing numbers, purchase order numbers.

  • Examples:

    • Install HVAC Ductwork – Level 2, Zone B

    • Issue RFQ (PO #1234) – Horizontal Pump

4. Follow a Standard Naming Convention

  • Consistent Structure:

    • Format: [Verb] [Object] – [Specific Location/System]

  • Examples:

    • Place Concrete – East Abutment – Stage 1 Rt. 66

    • Form, Rebar, Pour – Foundation Wall – Section A

5. Be Descriptive and Detailed

  • Provide Sufficient Detail:

    • Self-Contained Names: Each activity name should stand alone without additional context.

  • Examples:

    • Instead of "FREP lwr fndn concrete", write "Form, Rebar, Embed & Place Lower Foundation Concrete – Area A"

6. Minimize the Use of Abbreviations

  • Avoid Unnecessary Abbreviations:

    • Clarity Over Brevity: Spell out words unless space is limited.

  • Examples:

    • Use "Review & Approve" instead of "R&A"

    • Use "Stage 1" instead of "S1"

7. Maintain Uniformity Across the Schedule

  • Standardize Activity Names:

    • Consistency: Use the same terms and formats throughout.

  • Examples:

    • Always use "Install" rather than alternating with "Set Up" or "Put In Place"

    • Stick to one format like "Form, Rebar, Pour" instead of varying with "F-R-P"

8. Avoid Using All Capital Letters

  • Enhance Readability:

    • Proper Case: Use sentence case or title case.

  • Example:

    • Write "Install Steel Beams – Level 3" instead of "INSTALL STEEL BEAMS – LEVEL 3"

9. Ensure Activity Names are Unique

  • Differentiate Each Activity:

    • Combine Details: Use specific locations or identifiers.

  • Example:

    • Install Lighting Fixtures – Room 201 vs. Install Lighting Fixtures – Room 202

10. Assume No Code Grouping or Sorting

  • Self-Explanatory Names:

    • Independent Activities: Names should make sense without WBS codes or grouping headers.

  • Reasoning:

    • Facilitates understanding when activities are viewed out of context.

11. Minimize Length Without Losing Clarity

  • Balance Detail and Brevity:

    • Avoid Overly Long Names: Keep names concise but informative.

  • Tips:

    • Remove unnecessary words.

    • Use well-known abbreviations if space is limited.

12. Examples of Well-Crafted Activity Names

  • Construct Retaining Wall – West Side, Section 3

  • Develop Electrical Schematics – Power Distribution System

  • Review and Approve Structural Drawings – Building A

  • Place Concrete – Foundation Slab – Grid Lines 1-5

13. Communicate Naming Standards to the Team

  • Team Alignment:

    • Share Guidelines: Ensure all planners use the established naming conventions.

  • Benefits:

    • Enhances collaboration.

    • Maintains schedule integrity.

14. Regularly Review Activity Names

  • Quality Control:

    • Periodic Checks: Review the schedule to ensure compliance with naming standards.

  • Adjust as Needed:

    • Update activity names that do not meet the guidelines.

  • Company - Google

  • Location - Phoenix, Arizona

  • Company - Blue Origin

  • Location - Seattle, WA

  • Company - Northrop Grunman

  • Location - Northridge, California

We have no connection to these jobs or companies. Our goal is simply to help you land the job of your dreams.

This week’s episode we dive into metrics. Watch or Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Youtube.

Thank you for reading.

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Don’t ever hesitate to replay to this email if you are need of help!

See you next week,